License Roster Search Enter your search criteria in the fields below: License Number Try searching on License Number only first. Then try the other fields if you cannot find what you are looking for. Name City Specialty State AL AK AZ AR CA CO CT DE DC FL GA HI ID IL IN IA KS KY LA ME MD MA MI MN MS MO MT NE NV NH NJ NM NY NC ND OH OK OR PA RI SC SD TN TX UT VT VI VA WA WV WI WY Phone Number Total Records 10543 shown. Click on License Numbers to see additional detail. License NumberNameCityState S-53030#1 SOUTHEAST PLUMBING LLCOZARKAL S-549651 PRIORITY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES LLCFORT WORTHTX S-588861022403 ONTARIO LIMITED INCCAMPBELLFORDON 480971220 EXHIBITS INCNASHVILLETN 537451ST CHOICE ELECTRICAL LLCBIRMINGHAMAL S-413462000 CONCRETE LLCATLANTAGA S-5943724/7 ALL SERVICES LLCGULF SHORESAL IA-46799270 CONSTRUCTION INCHEADLANDAL S-577793 PROMISE LABOR SERVICES LLCBEVERLYOH S-550213 WAY CLEANING COMPANY,LLCBESSEMERAL S-599243:16 CLEARING AND GRADING LLCWACOGA 56255316 CONSTRUCTION GROUP LLCAMESIA S-4880031-W INSULATION CO INCGOODLETTSVILLETN S-57326360 EXTERIOR SOLUTIONS LLCHOLLY SPRINGSNC 57110360 FIRE & FLOOD LLCPLYMOUTHMI 12345678910...>> IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: This database information is current as of date specified on the search page. It does not include information received after this date, so it may slightly differ from the complete master listing at the General Contractors Licensing Board. Since this information may not be complete, it is NOT OFFICIAL, please contact the Board to verify search results if you are unsure and require clarification or if you do not find the information you seek.